The Problem With GTD
Monday, March 21, 2011
I’m a fan of David Allen’s Getting Things Done, but it suffers from one major shortcoming, at least for me: it offers some great methods for managing inputs and outcomes, but it is little help for managing knowledge in a usable electronic form, largely due to its reliance on paper as a least-common-denominator representation of ideas. Paper is inherently disconnected, and any given piece of paper can only be in one place at a time. It seems to me that these two factors are too constraining in today’s always-on world. That’s why I’m working on this project, to try to liberate as much as possible of the GTD process from paper while preserving the parts that work well for me. We’ll see how it goes.
[To be fair, GTD was published in 2002, before Twitter, RSS, Instapaper, Remember the Milk, iPhone, iPad, online banking, and ubiquitous connectivity. I doubt any of my nine-year-old work has held up so well in the face of such amazing change.]